CM Business solutions was born when Carrie and Matt continued to recognize the need realtors had for help in their businesses and limited options for them to go to. At the beginning we planned to also do marketing materials and training, but realized in the first few months, the biggest need was for admin assistance. Matt knew from his own experience that around year 2 in his career he needed admin help, but part time help in this business does not work well as you can't predict what days will be busy. The idea to provide assistance Monday to Friday made sense as a solution for realtors who were looking to hire a part time assistant. From there it has grown, not only providing assistance for realtors who need part time help, but also to teams and realtors that have some admin staff and just need more. Carrie knows the ins and outs of admin in real estate, specifically how each transaction can be different, therefore making the learning curve very steep when someone does hire an assistant. Through Carrie and her team, we saw a way to eliminate that learning curve and the bumps that come with it for realtors, as they could hire us who are fully trained and ready to go on day one. 

- No need to recruit, hire, and train an assistant: Our team is fully trained which provides a smooth transition with minimal learning curve.

- No need to deal with payroll and HR: With our subscription based service you don't need to deal with any of the additional work and costs that comes from having an employee.

- Full time access for a fraction of the cost: We are available Monday - Friday with a cost that is comparable to hiring a part time assistant that may only be available for you a couple days per week.
- Freedom: We free up time that you can use as you see fit. Grow your business, spend more time with friends and family, it's up to you. We will alleviate hours of admin work for you to use in a more productive and beneficial manner.

We provide high-end administrative work to realtors, assisting with paperwork preparation, processing listings, processing sales, and more. We essentially become your assistant! Our highly trained team is ready to take paperwork and admin tasks off your plate and allow you more time to grow your business, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy a more balanced lifestyle. We currently service individual agents, high producing agents that have full time assistants and need additional help, as well as teams.